Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Cryptic Pregnancy ...Do you know what it is?

For every girl getting a period is usually like a confirmation that she is not pregnant.
But guess what?
                          Sometimes women spot or even bleed during pregnancy and hence you may easily miss out on this important revelation. Yes there can be some of us who would not realize they are pregnant till may be 20 weeks or even more.

This is called a Cryptic Pregnancy and it is seen 1 in every 2500 conceptions.

Spotting in early days of pregnancy associated with pain in the abdomen could mean that your little baby has found the wrong home and instead of seating itself in the womb (Uterus) has got implanted in the Fallopian Tube or extremely rarely the Ovary. Then you could be the 1.1 in 1000, who would land up in Ectopic Pregnancies. This is an emergency and you should consult your doctor immediately because if you are detected early you could avoid a lot of trouble including a surgery and even saving your tube which would otherwise get damaged. 

The good news though is that even if you have had a pregnancy in the tube you can still conceive! Yes no problems, thanks to your other tube. Once an ectopic, does not mean always an ectopic. Thus, relax ladies who have experienced one. You will soon be holding your little baby in your arms.

Here are some reasons why you might miss to know that you are pregnant

  • Your periods are not regular to begin with. Hence, going months without having one does not seem like a big deal.
  • You spot at the regular time of periods could be mistaken for a light period.
  • You have been diagnosed with PCOD and believe that you cannot conceive without the help of medication.
  • You have no signs of pregnancy.
  • Your baby has increased the Beta HCG hormone level so marginally that the home urine pregnancy test is unable to detect it and is showing a negative result.

Hence, ladies, be more aware and consult your doctor if you have any doubts about your period being ‘not the normal’.

Stay Safe!
Enjoy a Happy and Healthy Pregnancy!

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Are You Ready?

There are a few things which should be planned before you get pregnant.

Health Check Up-
                            Be Aware!

Visit the doctor with your partner. The doctor will discuss your pre-pregnancy diet, exercise, weight loss regime, immunisations, and any unhealthy habits (such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug abuse). You may be advised to see a specialist if you have any medical conditions such as diabetes, asthma, or high blood pressure. These must be controlled before you get pregnant. If you haven’t undergone any health checkup in the past year, your doctor may schedule a pelvic examination and a pap smear.

         Know it before its too late

Genetic Carrier Screening Test. With this you can find out if you or your partner is a carrier of any serious genetic condition such as sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, and others. If you are carrying any inherited disorders, there are chances that your child may inherit the condition.

Get to know your family history
(yours and your partner’s):

                                              An Honest Advice!

This is one of the important things to do before you actually decide to “PLAN”. Do a detailed study about yours and your spouse’s medical history just to find out about any genetic disorders or health problems. This will help you take measures to minimize the risk of passing them over to the baby.

Infection: Stay Safe –
                                 It’s in your Hands!
Wash your hands often when Cooking and Eating.  Do not consume foods such as raw or undercooked poultry and fish, unpasteurized cheese, and other dairy and cold deli meats. They can carry harmful bacteria that could cause listeriosis, which increases the risk of stillbirth and miscarriage.

Keep an eye on your caffeine intake -
                                                         See what you eat or drink!

Though it is debatable whether or not caffeine should be consumed before pregnancy, experts say women planning to get pregnant should avoid or reduce caffeine intake. Some studies have found that excess caffeine can lead to decreased fertility. Women should limit their consumption to 200 ml or one cup a day

               It's Highly Important - Have you done it yet?
Ask yourself before you plan your pregnancy, you should understand whether or not you are ready for pregnancy and to bring up a child. Ask yourself these key questions:

• Are you both equally committed to bring a child?

• Are you all prepared for the special requirements of your child?

• Are you ready to handle your little one’s responsibilities, family and work?

• If there are religious differences in the family, are you sure about how you can bring up your child without affecting him/ her?

ARE YOU READY? and IF YES, What’s Your PLAN?   

(Find out more in the FIRST EDITION of 9m², Book your Exclusive COPY TODAY by subscribing and leaving comments in the comments box)

Thursday, 2 November 2017

"Human body! A Self healing miraculous machine"

During your pregnant days there are several things that might stress you, but eating should not be one of them. Healthy eating routines ensure appropriate growth and development of the little baby.

I am not trying to imply that you need a special chart, instead recommending that you include a variety of food to have a balanced nutrition.

Golden rules of eating in pregnancy -

·         Eat small frequent meals
·         Eat in moderation
·         Eat a balanced diet

Your wholesome diet should include -

Milk and milk products  as these are rich in calcium, protein and Vitamin B12

Did you know?
Milk has purifying properties and a milk cleanse is a great way to detox your body.

Milk not only re-hydrates the body, but provides a host of beneficial nutrients and protects your weak pregnant bones during these days!

Cereals, Pulses, Dal, Whole Grains and Nuts as these are a good source of proteins especially if you are a vegetarian.

Did you know?
A 2013 study in the Journal Pediatrics found that moms who ate peanuts and other tree nuts during their pregnancy had children born with a significantly lower incidence of nut allergies.

Dry Fruits, especially Dates and Walnuts after the second trimester.

Did you know?
Red-coloured fruits keep your heart strong

Dates apart from providing good nutrition ease labour and help you have a normal delivery!

Walnuts, they are the only nut that has omega-3 fatty acids!
(What is Omega-3? Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the "good" types of fat. They will help you have a brainy and intelligent baby. Isn't that awesome? But your body can't make them.You have to eat them or take supplements.)

Lots of fluids including Coconut Water

Did you know?
Drink coconut water anytime, but the best time is early in the morning. Electrolytes and Nutrients can be easily absorbed when your stomach is empty.

All Fruits and Vegetables except Papaya

Did you know?
Eating fruit during pregnancy could make your child smarter

Wondering why not papaya?

Unripe or even semi-ripen papaya has latex which may start uterine contractions - If uterine contracts then it encourages synthetic labor and this leads to miscarriage.

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