Sunday, 21 October 2018

Are You Carrying a Girl or Boy? Myths vs Truths!!

Two sparkling eyes, Ten little fingers, Ten wee toes, Boy or Girl, No One Knows!

Are you having a girl or a boy?
The gender reveal is probably one of the most exciting parts of your pregnancy.

Perhaps it is our desire to envision a complete little person before birth, a need to begin attributing characteristics, consider names, and find the perfect blue booties or pink laces. Sometimes curiosity about a baby's gender leads to some gender-guessing games that may have moms-to-be wondering: Is there any truth to those old wives' tales?

Carrying low means boy: MYTH

If you’re carrying low, congratulations — it’s a boy! Or so the saying goes, at least.
Image result for boy or girl

But coming to think of it, there could be another reason for a high belly. If it’s your first pregnancy and your body is in good shape, your stomach muscles, body shape, and how much weight you gain during your pregnancy will all play a role in how you’re carrying.
Unfortunately, the sex of your baby has no impact on any of this. That means you can’t tell the gender just by evaluating your belly. Multiple pregnancies can also have an impact on the elasticity of those same muscles.
Lesson learned? Don’t count on this myth to determine gender. This is true whether it’s your first pregnancy or your fourth.

Faster fetal heart rate means girl: MYTH

Listen closely the next time your doctor listens to the baby’s heartbeat. According to the old wives’ tale, a rapid rate of more than 140 beats per minute means you’re having a girl.

It’s the age of a fetus that really affects heart rate speed.

Image result for boy or girlAround week 5 of pregnancy, the fetus’s heart rate is roughly the same as the mother’s, between 80 to 85 beats per minute.

It will quicken steadily until week 9, topping off between 170 and 200 beats per minute.
It then starts to slow down to an average of somewhere between 120 and 160 and it changes every second to be precise.

Craving salts means boy: MYTH
The saying goes that craving sweet things during your pregnancy is related to the baby girl you’re growing. If you’re dreaming of salty or sour snacks, you’re carrying a boy.
While there’s some suggestion that cravings during pregnancy can be related to deficiencies in specific minerals, there’s no connection between cravings and gender.

Breakouts and oily skin is a girl: MYTH
Image result for boy or girl
One gender myth says that bad, spotty skin could mean you’re having a girl. Your skin is oily and you’re breaking out during pregnancy. Common wisdom explains that it’s because your baby girl is stealing your beauty.
In reality, you can blame your skin woes on hormones, not your baby girl.

Excessive morning sickness is a girl: MYTH
Related imageThe old wives' tales say that excessive morning sickness at any point during your pregnancy means you’re having a girl.
The truth? Morning sickness is related to surging hormones and low blood sugar. Don’t start buying pink clothes just yet!

Moodier than normal means girl: MYTH
Image result for boy or girl
Feeling grumpy and down in the dumps? It could mean you’re pregnant with a girl. 
But it’s probably because you’re on a hormonal roller coaster called pregnancy! There’s no science behind this myth. Mood swings are common for mothers-to-be carrying babies of either gender.


While you have a 50-50 chance of guessing your baby’s gender correctly, you’re still guessing.
The truth is, the medical intervention of some kind is necessary to accurately predict your baby’s gender. You’ll have to wait until the big day, the Labour Day, the Day of the Birth of your bundle of joy for the gender reveal - one of life’s best surprises!!

Thank you for visiting the blog. Please share your views about this article and do let us know if you have any queries or concerns and we shall try our best to respond at the earliest.

Monday, 6 August 2018

Can't eat because of nausea? Or nauseous because you can't eat? Well played Pregnancy, Well Played!!

Nausea and vomiting or morning sickness is usually equated to pregnancy but it is one of those truisms about pregnancy which is not necessarily true. Studies show that almost three quarters of all expectant mothers experience this symptom. 

If you are among those who did not have a nauseous moment, or who feel only occasionally or slightly queasy, you can consider yourself not only pregnant but also lucky.

Happily though, for all those of you who are in the queasy club, you maybe definitely feeling the effects of the morning sickness but your baby are not. That is because your baby is not even the size of a pea and its nutritional needs are tiny now. Even those of you who are actually moving leftwards on the weighing machine during your first trimester are not harming the baby or your pregnancy, provided you make up for the lost weight in the later months.  

Morning sickness is by the way a misnamed malady as most of you must have already noticed it can strike at morning, noon, evening, night or all of the above!  

When do you experience this discomfort?

This disabling symptom in majority disappears by the end of 12 weeks and for a few by 20 weeks. Rarely do you end up suffering from this throughout your 9 months. 

Why do you feel queasy?

Stress, fatigue and improper eating habits can aggravate it.

Although the exact cause of this nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is unknown you can comfortably blame it on your hormones. No matter what the cause, there is no sure cure for the queasiness but the passing of time. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize these discomforts while you are waiting for the less nauseous days to dawn. 

How to find some relief?

Eat after going to bed and eat before getting out of bed! No I am not playing. Morning sickness does not wait for your day to start, in fact it is at its worst if your stomach is empty and the acids are churning in the tummy with nothing in it to digest. Thus, stack your bedside stand with nibbles like cracker biscuits or wholegrain bread and munch on them whenever you wake up in the night for a nature’s call or in the morning before you climb out of bed. 

Eating a high protein or complex carbohydrate snack before bed is a treat for your tummy as well. 

Eat small frequent meals. A stuffed tummy is as likely to puke as is an empty one. If all the balanced diet nutritious charts are not working for you eat whatever you can tolerate for the first few weeks. You will soon be better. Right now, getting anything into your stomach and keeping it there should be your priority. 

Avoid the spicy and greasy foods and try lemon or ginger ale or ice. If your so called favourite foods are making you nauseous, just stay away from them. Period! Don’t force yourself to any food whose taste sight or smell irks you.

Keep yourself well hydrated, particularly if you are vomiting. Not able to get even a sip of water down your throat, you are not a rarity. Try other liquids, anything including home-made soups, fresh fruit juices, buttermilk, coconut water, smoothies or any recipe under the Sun.

If nothing helps consult your doctor especially if you are feeling dehydrated or if the frequency is more than regular or if colour of the vomit is different. There are some medication which is safe to be used in pregnancy to curb the vomiting.

In conclusion let me say that no one said that your pregnancy would be easy but it is surely worth it!!

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Breaking Back? Aching Nerves? You are Pregnant...

Congratulations! You’re pregnant! That’s a great news- and if you’re a first time mom, you have a good reason to celebrate one of the best moments of your life.

There are moments when being pregnant feels so magical and thrilling that you never want it to end. One thing is for certain-there’s no other experience in life comparable to the feeling you experience when you finally realize you are pregnant; these nine months will change your life forever!
However this beautiful phase brings with it its own side effects of which aches and pains are a part and parcel. Over 70% of you will complain of back pain, pelvic aches and sciatica during your second and third trimesters. It could hence be said that Backpain is synonymous with pregnancy!!
Why the Back pain?
Understanding the cause of these pains may give you some reassurance.
• As your beautiful baby bump grows, your lower spine will curve inwards to support your baby's weight and the top of your spine will curve slightly outwards to support the growth of your breasts.
• During pregnancy, due to the notorious hormones especially relaxin, acting on all joints of the body the usually stable joints in the pelvis, begin to loosen up to allow easy passage of the baby at delivery. However the hormone knows not how to spare the back and ribs hence they also soften and give you the pains.
• Postural problems caused by your growing uterus and stretched abdominal muscles that restrict you from being able to maintain proper alignment.

• Your baby's weight causes your lower back to sway as your centre of gravity moves forward

making back muscles short, tight, and painful.

• Position of your baby (particularly towards the end of pregnancy) can compress nerves and cause back pain.

How to find some relief?
No gain without pain. Even pain with a purpose hurts though. But without defeating the purpose you can conquer the pain or at least subdue it. 

Sit erect
Sitting puts more stress on your spine than almost any other activity, so it pays to do it right. Comfortable chairs with back cushion and armrests can make life much easier. Use a footrest while sitting and make it a habit to take short walks after every few hours. Sitting long hours can be as painful to your already painful back as can be a wrong posture while sitting. 

Try not to stand too long either
If you work on your feet, keep one foot on a low stool to take some pressure off your lower back. Avoid lifting heavy weights but if you must, do it slowly. First stabilize yourself with a wide stance. Next, bend at your knees not at the waist. And finally lift with your arms and legs, not your back. 

Wear the right shoes
Extremely high heels are a pain for your back as are very unsupportive flat ones. Try a chunky two inch heel or a low wedge heel or flats with good arch to support your body in proper alignment. 

Sleep easy
Sleep right and make yourself comfortable with pillows especially under your knees. Turn while getting out of bed instead of swinging up. 

Heat and ice
Alternate hot and cold therapy for the back will temporarily relieve the soreness of the aching muscles. 

Exercises and antenatal yoga
Simple back strengthening exercises like pelvic tilts, arm and leg raises, wall squats, back stretches and hamstring stretches will also do wonders in abating your pain. Be careful not to do them unattended if you are not trained – attend an antenatal class or Lamaze session.


Your sweet little baby maybe getting on your nerves, literally - the sciatic nerve. It can be a sharp, shooting pain, sometimes intense pain, tingling or numbness that starts in your buttocks or lower back and radiates down the back of both or either legs. Though sciatica may pass if your baby shifts positions, it can linger until you have delivered and sometimes even till a little post-partum. As simple a remedy as getting off your feet and taking some rest can this pain off your ‘nerve’ at least for a bit. Exercises and warm heating pads on the legs will also relieve this excruciating dilemma for a little while.

Your body will go through several changes as pregnancy has its way with you. However, the biggest change will be your slow beautiful transformation from being a woman to being a mother. Congratulations!!

Please SUBSCRIBE and do share your experiences and views in the comment section below.

This is Dr. Nabat, signing off.

Monday, 26 March 2018

"LABOUR" ...The only blind date where you know YOU await to meet the LOVE of your LIFE!

Labour and childbirth is usually a painful experience and women vary in their response to it.
It is not called labour for nothing. Having a baby is hard work, and part of that work is getting through the pain. But don't panic. There are more ways than ever to manage that pain, and you don't have to choose just one.    

"The trick is to have as many tools in your bag as possible," says Kim Hildebrand Cardoso, a certified nurse-midwife in Berkeley, California, and a mother of two. "You don't know what's going to work until you're in it, and what helps a woman at one point can change five minutes later."

Some women are keen to avoid drugs or other medical interventions while others are happy to consider all available options. For a woman having her first baby, the experience of labour (and her reaction to it) is unpredictable. 

For this reason, it is a good idea to be aware of the options for pain relief that are available and to know something about the different methods. You may have a plan for how you hope to manage your labour, but it is best to be prepared to be flexible.

Non-medical pain relief options

  • Prepare for the marathon
  • Being in good physical condition is important. Exercise gently and regularly throughout your pregnancy, avoid cigarettes and alcohol, and eat a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Knowing what to expect during the various stages of labour can help reduce anxiety.
  • Antenatal classes are strongly recommended.

Relaxation Techniques
The most important thing you can relax during labor is your mind. The idea is simple -- when you fear pain, you tense up, which makes the pain worse, which makes you tense up more. You can use different relaxation techniques to ease pain. Some people like music, some like meditation, some like incense. Generally, relaxation techniques help ease pain in labour. Just check that the hospital or birth centre can cope with your plans.

  • Breathe through the pains - Breathing techniques may help you to ‘ride the waves’ of each contraction. To stay relaxed, it's crucial to pay attention to your breathing. Let gravity do its work.
  • Moving around: Walking, swaying, changing positions, and rolling on a birthing ball can not only ease the pain but can help your labour progress by using the force of gravity to your advantage and encouraging the movement and rotation of the baby down through the pelvic canal.
  • Water therapy: Warm water can work wonders for diminishing labour pain. Don't underestimate the power of the shower either - the stream of hot water will not only keep you relaxed but will massage you too.
  • Your partner in birth: The constant, close support from your partner (or a trusted friend or loved one) for the duration of labour can reduce anxiety. Having your partner rub your feet or massage your hands or temples can distract you, relax you, and generally make you feel cared for, which is a major morale boost.


Nitrous Oxide
  • Nitrous oxide, known as ‘laughing gas’, is mixed with oxygen and administered to the mother through a face mask or a tube held in the mouth. The gas takes a few seconds to work, so it is important to breathe from the mask as soon as a contraction starts. 
  • Nitrous oxide doesn’t stop the pain entirely, but takes the ‘edge’ off the intensity of each contraction. Many women prefer nitrous oxide because it allows them direct control – you can hold the mask yourself and take deep breaths whenever you feel the need. 
  • Nitrous oxide doesn’t interfere with contractions and it doesn’t linger in either the woman’s or the baby’s body. 

Possible cons of with using Nitrous Oxide include:
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Claustrophobic sensations from the face mask
  • Lack of pain relief – in some cases, nitrous oxide doesn’t offer any pain relief at all (this applies to around one-third of women).

Epidural Analgesia
Management of pain is the most crucial thing in the delivery of baby and painless delivery techniques are providing respite from excessive pain, be it in normal deliveries or caesarean (that need operations).

The technique of painless delivery called as Epidural Analgesia or Epidural Anesthesia is a popular technique used by women, if advised by the doctor, during labor. The technique is not only cost-effective, but also gives relief from unbearable labor pain. Such deliveries have registered 6-7% rise in the past two-three years. On an average the cost of epidural (Painless process) ranges within Rs.4000-8000/- (could be little more or less) therefore the difference in charges for normal and painless normal delivery is not too high. But, these charges may vary from hospital to hospital.

How it is done?
During the delivery, the labor pain generates from the contraction of uterus walls. Once the Epidural analgesia is administered, it blocks the pain signals from reaching the brain and thus helping the patient for a painless delivery. The same technique can also be used in case of emergency cesarean sections if some complications.

It is estimated that out of every 25 deliveries, there are around 8-10 painless deliveries. In fact most of those going for it are educated and come from well-off families. The threshold to bear labor pain among women has reduced and therefore they prefer to go for epidural anesthesia. Women postponing motherhood till late thirties and conditions like obesity and hypertension, chances for normal delivery become less. This is because as one grows old, capacity to bear pain also reduces but epidural anesthesia increases chances of having normal deliveries, as per a recent study.

Advantages: There are quite a few advantages and few are listed below:
  1. Epidural analgesia makes mother and baby comfortable.
  2. It brings down the high BP for those who are suffering with this issue.
  3. Good for patient who have heart disease for obvious reasons.
  4. Delivery is faster.
  5. If required, Caesarean can be done with same tube.

Possible Disadvantages: Uncommon minor complications such as persistent positional headache afterwards, shivering, ringing of the ears, backache, soreness where the needle is inserted, nausea, or difficulty urinating.

While doctors are encouraging expectant women to enjoy bringing their baby into the world, naturally and painlessly, the role of a hospital in creating this safe haven is significant. Motherhood is inarguably the most beautiful phase in a woman's life. But, many expectant women fear the process of natural childbirth due to painful labour, hence opt for a Caesarian surgery instead.
    “Unless there is a risk involving mother and baby, Caesarian section is not recommended. Because, the recovery period is longer, the surgical wounds can get infected and the mother could have health problems later in life. That is why most of the Doctors encourage mothers to opt for natural childbirth which can be almost painless with the current technology.

Choosing the "RIGHT HOSPITAL"

In the world we are living now, due to various reasons we get to see families living separately and those who opt for late parenthood with less or no support from their family or relatives, young couples or to be parents today are looking for vital medical care and comfort for mother and baby from their doctors and hospitals.

Late conception sometimes lead to risky pregnancies which is quite common in the world we are living today. A hospital equipped with a neonatal care and adult ICU unit to handle emergency births should be the primary choice for everyone out there.

Search for a Hospital which has the following facilities:

  • Multi-speciality services under one roof
  • Clearly defined protocols for clinical and non-clinical care
  • Rule for maintaining digital records of mother and baby for future follow ups of the baby.
  • Hospital who practices evidence based medicines.
  • Health insurance is valid and accepted without any hassles.
  • Must have a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in case your newborn is sick
  • The Hospital which has a well-equipped adult ICU
  • An place which offers postpartum breast feeding advice and support

Take care of yourself and be confident. 

Life is full of surprises
...Enjoy every bit of it.

If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to write us.
All The Best!


Friday, 9 March 2018

It’s HOT…Summer Arrives!

Summer is here and the SUN is shining HOT and you may find yourself wondering if you would make it out comfortably? But, don’t worry while it’s true that a summer pregnancy isn’t always easy, here are few tips to make yourself comfortably enjoy this phase of the year.

Stay Hydrated
  • Drinking lots of water during pregnancy is very important for both the mother and the baby. Just in case if you did not knew!

  • Dizziness, Nausea, Dry lips and Mouth, Less urine or yellow colored urine and overheating due to the hot weather all signal that you are dehydrated. You need lots of Water and Juices.

  • We recommend you to drink 6-8 glass of water to stay hydrated. Make sure you always carry a bottle of water when you are in or out.

Healthy Food
  • Have lots of fresh fruits and juice to beat the heat. This is required for YOU.

  • Vegetables like cucumber should be included in diet during summer months.
  • Avoid very spicy foods.

Stay cool
  • If you are feeling unbearably hot, a cool shower will be helpful.

  • Keep yourself around cooler or Ac or Pedestal fan for a cool breeze of relief.

Dress for the weather
  • Wear light coloured clothing during summer. Cotton type materials are comfortable during hot summer days.

  • Maternity clothes like maxi and gown type dresses that allow air flow and decrease sweating are recommended.
  • Avoid wearing tight dresses. This is quite self-explanatory but still thought of adding it here.

Take care of your feet
  • Swelling of legs and feet is common during pregnancy. Summer heat can add to the discomfort associated with swollen feet.
  • Make sure to keep your feet up while you sit. During sleep hours keep your legs up with the help of pillows.

  • Always buy correct fitting shoes while pregnant. Please do not compromise on footwear.
  • Special shoes for pregnant ladies are available in maternity shops. This can help to reduce the discomfort.
  • If you are walking or doing exercise during your pregnancy, choose the right kind of shoe that are meant for long distance walking or exercise.

Hair care during summer
  • If you have long hair tie it into a bun or a high pony tail to provide free air circulation in your neck and back. This can help reduce sweating too.
  • You can even go for a haircut to make it short to manage it properly during summers.
  • Use a cooling hair oil to apply on your hair and scalp while washing your hair.

Skin care during summer
  • Pregnancy can make your skin very sensitive. Use sunscreen lotions to stay good.
  • Drinking water and juices also prevents dry skin.

  • Wear your sunglasses when you are going out. A hat or a scarf can be used to save yourself from the red hot sun rays and heat.
  • During summer lips become dry. You can use a good lip balm.

Exercise at right time
  • Walking, swimming, yoga and other pregnancy exercises are good for you and your baby.

  • During summer, exercise should be done early in the morning or in the evening when the temperatures is low.
  • During exercise if one feels tired it is better to relax and take rest. Don’t try to over-stress yourself while doing physical activities. Do it light and limited to your comfort zone.

  • Being outdoors to get some fresh air is too good during pregnancy. It can actually help you to relax and rejuvenate.
  • During summer days restrict your outdoor activities to early morning or evening. Avoid going out during the peak hours like 11 am to 4 pm when the sun’s rays are strongest.

Proper rest and sleep
  • Sleep and rest is very important factor for mothers. Sleeping helps to eliminate stress. Find time if you don’t take time, but do rest.
  • Summer heat can make you more tired. Relax by reading a book, listening to music or doing meditation.  Rest is very important during pregnancy.
  • Frequent naps during summer days can be helpful for the mother-to-be.

Life is Beautiful and Seasons add different flavors to it making it more FUN to live in. So, enjoy this phase of the year and of course your life of being pregnant.

Take care and be happy, no matter what. Nothing is constant in life, things change, moods change and so does this very moment. Stay calm and live life happily!

Please SUBSCRIBE and do share your thoughts and views in the comment section below.

This is Dr. Nabat, signing off.


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Two sparkling eyes,  Ten little fingers,  Ten wee toes,  Boy or Girl,  No One Knows! Are you having a girl or a boy? The ge...