Saturday, 23 December 2017

PCOS ... Are YOU?

                                         Are your periods irregular or scanty?

                          Are you gaining weight in spite of a strict diet or Exercise?

                                             Are you having unwanted hair?

                         Are you trying to get pregnant and are not being successful?

               If your answer to any of these questions is YES then you may have PCOS.

What is PCOS?
PCOS or Polycyclic Ovarian Syndrome is the most common hormone disorder among young girls and women in their reproductive age. It has been shown that almost 25% women in India are affected by PCOS.

While this condition can make conceiving more challenging, women with PCOS deliver healthy babies every day. And trust me most of them unawares that they have the Syndrome!

What Is Polycyclic Ovarian Syndrome?

Eggs grow in the ovaries inside tiny fluid-filled sacs called follicles. When an egg reaches
maturation each month, the follicle containing it breaks open to release it (this process is ovulation). PCOS interferes with ovulation. 

These fluid-filled follicles don’t burst, and instead remain in the ovaries as cysts — thus the name poly (meaning many)-cystic ovarian syndrome.

Despite its name not all women with Polycystic Ovarian Disease actually have cysts in their ovaries.

What are the causes of PCOS?

1. Genetic

2. Excess insulin or insulin resistance 
3. Being overweight or obese

Some natural tips to get pregnant in spite of PCOS
1. Weight loss
2. Healthy diet
3. Regular moderate exercise

Some Facts and Should know things about PCOS
  • Sleep disturbances have been found to be twice as common in women with PCOS compared with those without.
  • Women with PCOS have a higher incidence of gestational diabetes, miscarriages, preterm deliveries, and stillbirths.
  • Women with PCOS can have monthly menstrual cycles and still have PCOS.
  • Women with PCOS have higher rates of anxiety and depression than women without the syndrome.
  • You may not feel like having sex or you may not get aroused if you are suffering PCOS.
  • You are insecure about your body during sex- Acne and weight gain are associated with PCOS, which can make you lose your confidence during sex.
  • You get irregular periods if you are suffering from PCOS.
  • PCOS causes depression which spoils important aspects of your life

Did you know?

  • More than 1 million cases per year (India)
  • Treatment can help, but this condition can't be cured.
  • Requires a medical diagnosis
  • Lab tests or imaging always required
  • Chronic: can last for years or be lifelong

Age Group Affected

0-2    Never          6-13  Rare                14-18   Common                  60+ Rare
3-5    Never                                          19-40   Common
                                                           41-60   Common

PCOS is a flaming problem today but is under our control and power. By simple methods like a good exercise routine and a balanced diet we can be command. 

To all the beautiful ladies out there, REMEMBER ONE THING - The power is in your hands!
Happy Pregnancy to the "to be moms" and wishing you all a Healthy and Blessed Life! 

"A quick word from the 9m2 Team"

Dear Readers,

Thank you everyone for taking time and visiting the blog. We are continuously trying our best to get you the updated and useful information that can help you and your loved ones on the most important subject "Pregnancy" which is a Blessing...if you TAKE CARE of yourself.

Do visit your Doctor and share your problems or feelings because its your Doctor who understands you, your problems and prepares you for the big day of your life. Trust and Belief are the 2 important things which you should always keep in mind. Trust yourself & Believe your Doctor.

Please share your thoughts about the blog or the post/s in the comments section and do let us know if you have any suggestions for the next Post or Topic.
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Take Care - Stay Healthy!

Best wishes,
Team 9m2 (9MemorableMonths)

Friday, 15 December 2017

FEAR of Childbirth

Childbirth is one of the greatest events in every woman’s life, especially among primigravida (First time to be Mothers) mothers.

Having had fantasies about pregnancy and motherhood when confronted with the reality many of them doubt their ability to cope with this great event in their lives. Many of the mothers do not know about what changes takes place and their role In the presence of childbirth.

At this time ,the mother –to-be needs lot of help for the realization and acceptance of childbirth as a normal physiological phenomenon. Pregnant women experience a range of physical and emotional changes, which may trigger anxiety. The third trimester of pregnancy is the time of anticipation.

It's more than just F E A R
Primigravida mothers usually have increased anxiety and concern about labour and the delivery. As fear and anxiety heighten muscle tension increases inhibiting the effectiveness of contractions increasing discomfort and further heightening fear and anxiety.

According to the recent Studies, prevalence of 93% severe anxiety about child birth is seen during third trimester. The study also revealed specific anxiety with unplanned caesarean requested by mothers.

So the pregnant women should need adequate information and guidance regarding labour during pregnancy through child birth preparation classes. 

                                                                    3 THINGS

Eat Dates
Women who ate dates daily during their ninth months were less likely than non-date eaters to need medication to start labor or to help it keep progressing,

Sleep More

Women who slept fewer than six hours during the last month of pregnancy labored for 11 hours longer and had Cesarean sections four times more frequently than women who slept seven hours or more,

Strengthen Your Legs
Upright positions allow gravity to help move the baby along, which may shorten labor by an hour, an Australian study found. To stay vertical, you'll need strong legs. "The most important exercise for childbirth is squatting,

Did you know?

  • Once you are about four months pregnant, your baby begins to urinate inside of you. In fact, they pee up to one liter a day! If that doesn't gross you out, knowing that your little one drinks it surely will. That's how it is!
  • Most women experience swelling in their feet during pregnancy. Because of water weight and other extra fluid, your feet can grow up to one full shoe size! In fact, some women's feet stay that size after their baby is born.
  • At the end of your pregnancy, your placenta (a flattened circular organ in the uterus of pregnant eutherian mammals, nourishing and maintaining the fetus through the umbilical cord) alone will produce the same amount of estrogen that a non-pregnant woman produces in 3 years!
  • Your uterus begins around the size of a small peach, then stretches to the size of a watermelon. For reference, that's about 500 times its original size! How incredible!  

  • If you are tall or overweight, you have a greater chance of carrying multiples. 

  • A baby has all of his or her fingerprints by 9-12 weeks in the womb! 

  • Pregnant women have an increased blood volume, so they experience bloody noses and bloody gums quite frequently.
  • Speaking of increased blood volume, did you know that your heart actually grows during pregnancy? It works harder and pumps more blood for that growing baby!
  • Babies cry in the womb. Because of all of the fluid, you can't hear them. But it's still kind of sad and scary.
  • Pregnancy hormones can do amazing things for your nails and hair. But after birth? You can expect your hair to fall out in alarming amounts.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy and complaining about the shadow over my feet, I'd have cherished every minute of it and realised that the wonderment growing inside me was to be my only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.  ~Erma Bombeck

The pain of childbirth is not remembered. 
It's the child that's remembered.

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

"Thank you One and All"

I feel humble and happy to inform all my well wishers and all those who have been supporting me through the ups and downs in life and also to all those who care for their own well beings and want to lead a good life, that the first edition of “9 Memorable Months” has finally arrived.
                                          – Dr. Nabat

For any Queries and Registrations please give us a call at 9515351131.

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Wait…….! WEIGHT???

Depending on your weight to begin with, most women will gain between 8 and 13 kgs on average, with most of that weight gain after week 20. Most of the extra weight is due to your growing baby. You may expect to gain around 2 kgs in the first trimester and then up to a 0.5 kgs a week for the next six months, but this varies greatly.

If you are underweight or unable to gain the desired weight, it could affect the baby’s health and result in low birth-weight (small) baby or preterm labor. And, if you are overweight or obese, or gain weight excessively, it will affect both you and the baby causing complications in labor like sugar or BP, C-section or a miscarriage.

So, the bottom line is stay NORMAL - Aim for Healthy Food!

‘Eating for two’ is a myth - There’s actually no need to eat any more than you usually would.  Instead continue to eat healthily, according to your appetite.

Pre-pregnancy BMI
Recommended Weight Gain
< 18.5
28-40lb (13-18kg)
18.5 – 24.9
24-35lb (11-16kg)
15-25lb (7-11kg)
> 30
11-20lb (5-9kg)

Appropriate weight gain during the weeks or trimesters of pregnancy depends on certain factors such as pre-pregnancy weight and BMI.

What is BMI?
A measure of Body fats in Adults.

When you start ‘looking pregnant’ can vary a great deal. Ask other mums about their experiences and you will find some women noticed a slight difference in shape in the early weeks, whereas others didn’t notice any changes until about four months.

By four to five months, almost all women will find their waistbands are uncomfortable, its common.

While some women embrace the changes in their body, seeing it as a sign of their baby growing, others may have negative feelings about their changing body shape. Dissatisfaction with the way you look when you are pregnant is very common, especially so in the second three months, according to some research. This is sometimes linked to previous body image feelings – if you already feel self-conscious or self-critical about your body - being pregnant is unlikely to make these feelings suddenly go away.

However, other research shows that some women find being pregnant gives them a chance to feel less pressured – no one expects a pregnant woman to be slim, after all.

Fear of childbirth would be our next topic!
to this blog and be the first on receiving the updates.

Friday, 1 December 2017

Have I changed or my MOOD?

Do you find yourself Sobbing, Laughing, Forgetting or Shouting all within few minutes? 
Are you wondering if some ALIEN has invaded your brain? 

You are simply experiencing the dramatic mood swings of Pregnancy.

Why are your moods swinging faster than an Olympic gymnast on a high bar? You can conveniently blame it on your hormones. 

These emotional ups and downs  are a part and parcel of your pregnancy express. 

                                                                                                Hang on….

What can you do about it?

1. First know that it is normal and do not panic. Keep your cool – Do not get affected with the circumstances happening around you or within You.

2. Discover ways to turn your downs into ups by doing things you enjoy and pamper yourself with a short nap or a movie or a massage or a snack or a drive.

3. Share your feelings with your partner; fill her up and open up about your fears and joys

4. Do not forget to catch a snack as a drop in sugars can also accelerate a doldrum.

5. Talk to other moms and you will know that this is a common discomfort faced by most expecting moms.

6. Seek your doctor's advise if your mood swings are out of control.

Be Happy - Take Care ...
These moments are Precious! 

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Cryptic Pregnancy ...Do you know what it is?

For every girl getting a period is usually like a confirmation that she is not pregnant.
But guess what?
                          Sometimes women spot or even bleed during pregnancy and hence you may easily miss out on this important revelation. Yes there can be some of us who would not realize they are pregnant till may be 20 weeks or even more.

This is called a Cryptic Pregnancy and it is seen 1 in every 2500 conceptions.

Spotting in early days of pregnancy associated with pain in the abdomen could mean that your little baby has found the wrong home and instead of seating itself in the womb (Uterus) has got implanted in the Fallopian Tube or extremely rarely the Ovary. Then you could be the 1.1 in 1000, who would land up in Ectopic Pregnancies. This is an emergency and you should consult your doctor immediately because if you are detected early you could avoid a lot of trouble including a surgery and even saving your tube which would otherwise get damaged. 

The good news though is that even if you have had a pregnancy in the tube you can still conceive! Yes no problems, thanks to your other tube. Once an ectopic, does not mean always an ectopic. Thus, relax ladies who have experienced one. You will soon be holding your little baby in your arms.

Here are some reasons why you might miss to know that you are pregnant

  • Your periods are not regular to begin with. Hence, going months without having one does not seem like a big deal.
  • You spot at the regular time of periods could be mistaken for a light period.
  • You have been diagnosed with PCOD and believe that you cannot conceive without the help of medication.
  • You have no signs of pregnancy.
  • Your baby has increased the Beta HCG hormone level so marginally that the home urine pregnancy test is unable to detect it and is showing a negative result.

Hence, ladies, be more aware and consult your doctor if you have any doubts about your period being ‘not the normal’.

Stay Safe!
Enjoy a Happy and Healthy Pregnancy!

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Are You Ready?

There are a few things which should be planned before you get pregnant.

Health Check Up-
                            Be Aware!

Visit the doctor with your partner. The doctor will discuss your pre-pregnancy diet, exercise, weight loss regime, immunisations, and any unhealthy habits (such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug abuse). You may be advised to see a specialist if you have any medical conditions such as diabetes, asthma, or high blood pressure. These must be controlled before you get pregnant. If you haven’t undergone any health checkup in the past year, your doctor may schedule a pelvic examination and a pap smear.

         Know it before its too late

Genetic Carrier Screening Test. With this you can find out if you or your partner is a carrier of any serious genetic condition such as sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, and others. If you are carrying any inherited disorders, there are chances that your child may inherit the condition.

Get to know your family history
(yours and your partner’s):

                                              An Honest Advice!

This is one of the important things to do before you actually decide to “PLAN”. Do a detailed study about yours and your spouse’s medical history just to find out about any genetic disorders or health problems. This will help you take measures to minimize the risk of passing them over to the baby.

Infection: Stay Safe –
                                 It’s in your Hands!
Wash your hands often when Cooking and Eating.  Do not consume foods such as raw or undercooked poultry and fish, unpasteurized cheese, and other dairy and cold deli meats. They can carry harmful bacteria that could cause listeriosis, which increases the risk of stillbirth and miscarriage.

Keep an eye on your caffeine intake -
                                                         See what you eat or drink!

Though it is debatable whether or not caffeine should be consumed before pregnancy, experts say women planning to get pregnant should avoid or reduce caffeine intake. Some studies have found that excess caffeine can lead to decreased fertility. Women should limit their consumption to 200 ml or one cup a day

               It's Highly Important - Have you done it yet?
Ask yourself before you plan your pregnancy, you should understand whether or not you are ready for pregnancy and to bring up a child. Ask yourself these key questions:

• Are you both equally committed to bring a child?

• Are you all prepared for the special requirements of your child?

• Are you ready to handle your little one’s responsibilities, family and work?

• If there are religious differences in the family, are you sure about how you can bring up your child without affecting him/ her?

ARE YOU READY? and IF YES, What’s Your PLAN?   

(Find out more in the FIRST EDITION of 9m², Book your Exclusive COPY TODAY by subscribing and leaving comments in the comments box)

Thursday, 2 November 2017

"Human body! A Self healing miraculous machine"

During your pregnant days there are several things that might stress you, but eating should not be one of them. Healthy eating routines ensure appropriate growth and development of the little baby.

I am not trying to imply that you need a special chart, instead recommending that you include a variety of food to have a balanced nutrition.

Golden rules of eating in pregnancy -

·         Eat small frequent meals
·         Eat in moderation
·         Eat a balanced diet

Your wholesome diet should include -

Milk and milk products  as these are rich in calcium, protein and Vitamin B12

Did you know?
Milk has purifying properties and a milk cleanse is a great way to detox your body.

Milk not only re-hydrates the body, but provides a host of beneficial nutrients and protects your weak pregnant bones during these days!

Cereals, Pulses, Dal, Whole Grains and Nuts as these are a good source of proteins especially if you are a vegetarian.

Did you know?
A 2013 study in the Journal Pediatrics found that moms who ate peanuts and other tree nuts during their pregnancy had children born with a significantly lower incidence of nut allergies.

Dry Fruits, especially Dates and Walnuts after the second trimester.

Did you know?
Red-coloured fruits keep your heart strong

Dates apart from providing good nutrition ease labour and help you have a normal delivery!

Walnuts, they are the only nut that has omega-3 fatty acids!
(What is Omega-3? Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the "good" types of fat. They will help you have a brainy and intelligent baby. Isn't that awesome? But your body can't make them.You have to eat them or take supplements.)

Lots of fluids including Coconut Water

Did you know?
Drink coconut water anytime, but the best time is early in the morning. Electrolytes and Nutrients can be easily absorbed when your stomach is empty.

All Fruits and Vegetables except Papaya

Did you know?
Eating fruit during pregnancy could make your child smarter

Wondering why not papaya?

Unripe or even semi-ripen papaya has latex which may start uterine contractions - If uterine contracts then it encourages synthetic labor and this leads to miscarriage.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

It's all about Bonding!

"No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all you are the only one who knows what my HEART sounds like, from inside"

Yes, The Eternal Cord Connection - Bonding with your Unborn Baby!

It was earlier believed that bonding begins at birth, but now we know for sure that this precious link begins at conception.

So, how can you lay the foundation for this indelible and indescribable bond between mom and baby?

1) Read a bit, Chat a bit
Especially when you commenced early reading and talking has proven to help with the child's language development and cognition.

2) The Sound of Music
Yes your baby is alert and listening. Music enhances baby's brain growth and improves sleeping patterns once newborn.

3) Smile baby, Click!
Have scan pictures of your baby on the phone or walls or even write a scrapbook.

4) Nudge your baby back!
Play with your baby in the tummy by responding to his/her movements.

5) Daddy, it is your turn!

Let dad-to-be also get a slice of the action.


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