Friday 15 December 2017

FEAR of Childbirth

Childbirth is one of the greatest events in every woman’s life, especially among primigravida (First time to be Mothers) mothers.

Having had fantasies about pregnancy and motherhood when confronted with the reality many of them doubt their ability to cope with this great event in their lives. Many of the mothers do not know about what changes takes place and their role In the presence of childbirth.

At this time ,the mother –to-be needs lot of help for the realization and acceptance of childbirth as a normal physiological phenomenon. Pregnant women experience a range of physical and emotional changes, which may trigger anxiety. The third trimester of pregnancy is the time of anticipation.

It's more than just F E A R
Primigravida mothers usually have increased anxiety and concern about labour and the delivery. As fear and anxiety heighten muscle tension increases inhibiting the effectiveness of contractions increasing discomfort and further heightening fear and anxiety.

According to the recent Studies, prevalence of 93% severe anxiety about child birth is seen during third trimester. The study also revealed specific anxiety with unplanned caesarean requested by mothers.

So the pregnant women should need adequate information and guidance regarding labour during pregnancy through child birth preparation classes. 

                                                                    3 THINGS

Eat Dates
Women who ate dates daily during their ninth months were less likely than non-date eaters to need medication to start labor or to help it keep progressing,

Sleep More

Women who slept fewer than six hours during the last month of pregnancy labored for 11 hours longer and had Cesarean sections four times more frequently than women who slept seven hours or more,

Strengthen Your Legs
Upright positions allow gravity to help move the baby along, which may shorten labor by an hour, an Australian study found. To stay vertical, you'll need strong legs. "The most important exercise for childbirth is squatting,

Did you know?

  • Once you are about four months pregnant, your baby begins to urinate inside of you. In fact, they pee up to one liter a day! If that doesn't gross you out, knowing that your little one drinks it surely will. That's how it is!
  • Most women experience swelling in their feet during pregnancy. Because of water weight and other extra fluid, your feet can grow up to one full shoe size! In fact, some women's feet stay that size after their baby is born.
  • At the end of your pregnancy, your placenta (a flattened circular organ in the uterus of pregnant eutherian mammals, nourishing and maintaining the fetus through the umbilical cord) alone will produce the same amount of estrogen that a non-pregnant woman produces in 3 years!
  • Your uterus begins around the size of a small peach, then stretches to the size of a watermelon. For reference, that's about 500 times its original size! How incredible!  

  • If you are tall or overweight, you have a greater chance of carrying multiples. 

  • A baby has all of his or her fingerprints by 9-12 weeks in the womb! 

  • Pregnant women have an increased blood volume, so they experience bloody noses and bloody gums quite frequently.
  • Speaking of increased blood volume, did you know that your heart actually grows during pregnancy? It works harder and pumps more blood for that growing baby!
  • Babies cry in the womb. Because of all of the fluid, you can't hear them. But it's still kind of sad and scary.
  • Pregnancy hormones can do amazing things for your nails and hair. But after birth? You can expect your hair to fall out in alarming amounts.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy and complaining about the shadow over my feet, I'd have cherished every minute of it and realised that the wonderment growing inside me was to be my only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.  ~Erma Bombeck

The pain of childbirth is not remembered. 
It's the child that's remembered.

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