Friday 1 December 2017

Have I changed or my MOOD?

Do you find yourself Sobbing, Laughing, Forgetting or Shouting all within few minutes? 
Are you wondering if some ALIEN has invaded your brain? 

You are simply experiencing the dramatic mood swings of Pregnancy.

Why are your moods swinging faster than an Olympic gymnast on a high bar? You can conveniently blame it on your hormones. 

These emotional ups and downs  are a part and parcel of your pregnancy express. 

                                                                                                Hang on….

What can you do about it?

1. First know that it is normal and do not panic. Keep your cool – Do not get affected with the circumstances happening around you or within You.

2. Discover ways to turn your downs into ups by doing things you enjoy and pamper yourself with a short nap or a movie or a massage or a snack or a drive.

3. Share your feelings with your partner; fill her up and open up about your fears and joys

4. Do not forget to catch a snack as a drop in sugars can also accelerate a doldrum.

5. Talk to other moms and you will know that this is a common discomfort faced by most expecting moms.

6. Seek your doctor's advise if your mood swings are out of control.

Be Happy - Take Care ...
These moments are Precious! 


  1. Dr Nabat's advice on mood swings was my constant go-to-fix in the not so memorable moments of my mostly memorable pregnancy. I couldn't agree more with the point on getting a light snack or a drink- most of the time I was emotional due to either hunger and dehydration, and simply couldn't recognize the signs! Such a simple yet powerful tip, ma'am! Loved the article :)

  2. Hello 9m2! I came to know about this blog from my cousin and initially when i heard about this, i thought it would be a normal blog like many others floating on the web. But, when i was informed that its by dr.nabat, i could not wait to visit the blog and trust me, this is an interesting and cool blog which offers crucial information, sensitive topics, fun facts and its easy to navigate.
    All the best doctor nabat. Doing an excellent job.


Thank you!

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